Flanked by an American Idol star and actress, WWE stars The Miz and Diva Eve deliver an anti-bullying message at La Mirada Middle School Los Coyotes
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors programme led by @abcholmes is run by the charity 'The Diana Award'. We train young people across the UK to be anti-bullying ambassadors in their schools and communities. Along the way we help them by holding training...
Internationally known author Barbara Coloroso and parent Luke Gelinas discuss anti-bullying measures at South Hadley High School, where bullycide victim Phoebe Prince was a student. Coloroso will be speaking at the National Conference on School...
Anti Bullying campaign kicks off in Richmond, VA with BYC Entertainment's Young Prince Charles. Visit www.804ent.com for additional details on how you can help. Let's put an end to Bullying in the Commonwealth of Virginia! Stop Bullying Now...
One of a series of 5 PSAs created to reflect the 5 challenges that the national anti-bullying group Rachel's Challenge has issued for middle-schoolers. These Public Service Announcements were created with Anchorage School District students and teachers...
Winner of 9 international film awards, this stunning short film set in the rural wheat belt of Western Australia, provides a candid insight into the life of Ronan (David Lazzarus), a 14 yr old boy who's been bullied at school his whole life. This...
In partnership with Sony Creative Software and the Ad Council, NCPC selected the winning PSAs that are designed to raise awareness about preventing cyberbullying.
Words Really Do Hurt
— Marvin Jimenez, Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School, San Antonio,...
"Bullying Awareness" video project, filmed in conjunction with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit Gifted & Talented Leadership Apprenticeship and Point Park University. Spring, 2012 sessions. Sessions were led by Helen Fallon, and Patrick Mulvihill....
500+ students, teachers, parents, and Richmond School District staff, announced their stand against bullying by performing a pink shirt flash mob on all 3-floors of Aberdeen Centre Mall in Richmond, BC on February 26th, 2012...
The official trailer for 'Bully' featuring the new song 'Born To Be Somebody' by Justin Bieber. Bully is a documentary on peer-to-peer bullying in schools across Ameri...
Bullying has long been an unfortunate aspect of schooling, but today it is no longer confined to the real world. Cyber bullies are making their presence felt, and, while their motivations are the same as those of the schoolyard bully, the way they...
On March 28, 2012, students at Cypress Ranch High School came together to create an original Lip Dub video and to Stand Up to bullies by asking "Who Do U Think U R?"
The entire project was created, filmed, sung, and performed by actual students.
I wrote and self-produced this song "Stand Up" to empower young people to overcome challenges tied with bullying. I ultimately would like to raise awareness and encourage young people to "Stand Up" and confront the challenges we are currently...