Friday, July 29, 2011

Gangs & School Safety

National School Safety and Security Services has extensive experience with school gang issues.  Our president, Kenneth Trump, created and supervised one of the most successful school district youth gang units in the early 1990s which reduced school-related gang crimes and discipline incidents in the Cleveland City School District by 39% over three years. Ken later served three years as assistant...

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bullying: Tips for Students

This checklist provides suggestions for what kids can do when bullying occurs – written for students being bullied, students who witness bullying and the bullies themselves. If you are being bullied... Reach Out Tell an adult. Sometimes you may have to tell more than one trusted adult. Ask your friends to help you. There is safety in numbers. Practice what to say the next time you're bullied with...

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tips on stopping a Mean Girl Bully

Ignore her as often as possible. Bullies crave attention, and females aren't much different. If she bothers you, she'll expect a response, so if you decide not to give her one, she'll eventually grow bored with you.  Tell a trusting adult. Make sure you tell them not to mention your name so you aren’t labeled a snitch. By doing so, not only will you get your problem out, but you'll also...

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

How can we help our child avoid being bullied?

How can we help our child avoid being bullied? Whether on the school playground or in the neighborhood park, children sometimes find themselves the target of bullies. When that happens, these bullies can not only frighten a youngster, shaking his confidence and spoiling his play, but they can also cause bodily injury.   Avoiding a bully is one reason your child may be reluctant...

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Bullying Prevention Tips for Kids

If You Are Being Harassed Talk to your parents or an adult you can trust, such as a teacher, school counselor, or principal. If the first adult you approach is not receptive, find another adult who will support and help you. There is someone who you can trust. It's not useful to blame yourself for a bully's actions. If bullies know they are getting to you, they are likely to torment you more....

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do Mean Girls Rule Your School?

Do Mean Girls Rule Your School?Backstabbing and cruel jokes are all too common among middle-school girls and boys, say the experts behind The Ophelia Project, dedicated to stopping “relational aggression” in schools. Here’s their advice for reforming Heathers-esque tweens and teens. By Jessica Rosevear  ATTITUDE PROBLEM #1: “Bullying? Doesn’t that mean pushing people around?” Why it's...

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Monday, July 18, 2011

How can the bullies be caught? What can happen to them? How can the perpetrators be caught and dealt with, and what exactly can happen to them if they are caught?

How can the bullies be caught? What can happen to them?How can the perpetrators be caught and dealt with, and what exactly can happen to them if they are caught? Schools take bullying seriously. The first place you should go in search of justice is your school as cyber bullying is often an extension or escalation of bullying that is already happening at school. The police are unlikely to become...

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Avoid School Fights

1. Identify common altercation triggers. According to a Harvard-MetLife survey, you are more likely to be involved in a physical altercation as a student when you have anger issues, are challenged or are involved in negative social issues such as gossip. These are all hot-button issues that you should avoid participating in to reduce your chances of a fight at school. Being bullied...

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ten Tips on How Your Child Can Avoid Getting Beat Up at School!

Ten Tips on How Your Child Can Avoid Getting Beat Up at School! Parents may not realize it but there are numerous types of school violence that we have to warn our children about. Once particular thing that many parents have forgotten about in recent years is how your child can protect themselves from getting beat up at school. There are several things that you child can do in order to stay safe...

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To stay safe online try these techniques:

To stay safe online try these techniques: Never give out passwords, PINs etc: even to your best friend. Keep personal information to yourself. Never send messages or comments to others when you are angry, even if it's not at them. Don't stay online all the time. There is a difference between virtual reality and the actual reality. Don't reply to cyber-bullies. If you've been...

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

School Bullying: What You Haven’t Heard By Rosalind Wiseman

During the recent White House Bullying Summit, the President challenged the people who work in bullying prevention to look at their current work and see where we could improve. His request came at a time when I’d actually been thinking about the same thing. Why? Because about a month ago I was asked to review a commonly used bullying prevention guideline often given to parents and children. ...

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Bullying Survival Tips

Here are some things you can do to combat psychological and verbal bullying. They're also good tips to share with a friend as a way to show your support: Ignore the bully and walk away. It's definitely not a coward's response — sometimes it can be harder than losing your temper. Bullies thrive on the reaction they get, and if you walk away or ignore hurtful emails or instant messages, you're...

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Bullying Prevention Tips For Your Family

Camp Might Be Different Than You Remember... With the arrival of summer, camp season has officially begun! Across the country, parents have begun to pack bags, fill out forms and sew on name tags in preparation for this beloved rite of passage for their kids. But the question remains: Although summer camp is typically a time in which boys and girls learn to step out from under the watchful gaze...

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cyberbullying Tips

Hurting someone with a simple clickSpreading rumors and bullying is nothing new. Kids have always found ways to be cruel to one another. But today’s kids are dealing with something much more sinister: cyberbullying. Kids are now using their cell phones and computers to hurt, humiliate, and harass each other. And it’s reaching epidemic proportions. They’re not just receiving nasty comments, but...

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Anti-Bullying PSA: The Price of Silence


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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fighting Cyber-Bullying


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