1. Only accept friends you know - In order to prevent harassment from strangers,
only accept friend requests from people you know and report any messages or
profiles that look suspicious. Facebook is based on a real name culture, and fake
profiles are regularly disabled when they're reported to us.
Only confirmed friends can post to your Walls or contact you via Facebook Chat, so if
you're worried that someone will make inappropriate posts or send offensive
messages, you should ignore that person's request.
2. Stop abusive behaviour - A block prevents someone from viewing your profile. If
you receive inappropriate or abusive communication, you can block the person by
listing his or her name in the "Blocking People" box at the bottom of the privacy
page. In addition to blocking, if you receive abusive messages on your wall or via
Facebook chat, you can remove the offender from your friend list.
3. Report trouble directly to Facebook - You can report an abusive user by
clicking the "Report/Block person" link that appears at the bottom of that person's
profile. Additionally, if you are informed of inappropriate behaviour on the part of
someone you have already blocked, ask a friend to report that person on your
Reports are confidential and the person being reported does not know that they
have been reported. After a report is submitted, Facebook will investigate the issue
and make a determination as to whether or not the content should remain on the
site based on its terms of use. A Facebook administrator looks into each report
thoroughly in order to decide the appropriate course of action.
4. Keep your information private - Restrict your privacy settings on Facebook so
that certain people can't access information like your Wall, photos, or profile. You
can also customize your privacy settings if you feel uncomfortable about being found
in searches or having your profile viewed publicly. Privacy on Facebook is controlled
primarily from the privacy settings page, which can be accessed from the settings
link at the top of any Facebook page.
5. Don't react to bullies – block, report or delete them - Rather than responding to
a bully directly via inbox, a Wall post, or Facebook Chat, you can delete offensive
posts from your Wall or messages from your Inbox and then use the "Blocking" or
"Reporting" functions to resolve the issue safely.
To delete an offensive Wall post, hover over the post in question, click the "Remove"
button that appears, and select "Delete" in the dialogue box.
To delete a message from Inbox, simply click the "Delete" button at the top of the
message. Because only confirmed friends can post to a Wall or send a message
through Chat, users who don't like the posts and Chat messages they're receiving
should consider removing the people responsible from their friends list