If You Are Being Harassed
Talk to your parents or an adult you can trust, such as a teacher, school counselor, or principal. If the first adult you approach is not receptive, find another adult who will support and help you. There is someone who...
Anti-Bullying Tip #1: Be an upstander, not a bystander.
Bystanders walk by and ignore a situation; upstanders pay attention and, if needed, step up to help.
Anti-Bullying Tip #2: Be brave enough to not worry about what people are going to...
Bullying can happen anywhere people congregate and lose their sense of courtesy and boundaries. Facebook is no different given its networking purpose; indeed, bullying on Facebook can cause even more distress and fear than being bullied in real...
NO TO BULLYING!!!!! I wrote this song for anyone who's ever been bullied or talked about in a negative way. I was inspired to write this because I can relate to this song like many young kids pre-teens and teens. "NO It's NOT OKAY...
Kids can be cruel. Name-calling, jokes and teasing are all weapons of choice in the arsenals used in the playground war of words. If your child is the target of insults, you may both rest assured that he is not alone, and it’s more than likely...
1. Clearly define bullying behaviors. Understand and explain to your child that bullying is a form of violence. Bullying is a way for an individual or group of people to try to have control over someone else. While there are varying degrees,...
Buy the single here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/jasongridge
*Part of the proceeds will be donated to Kids Help Phone (Canada)
Watch our Anti-Bullying PSA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0exyV9k-AoA
Watch our BTS video from the studio: http://w...
Music video by Rachel Crow performing Mean Girls. (C) 2012 Simco Ltd. under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RachelCrowEP
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/rachelcrowepama...
1. Don't respond. Don't retaliate. Tell a trusted adult.
2. Save all evidence. Never delete any communications. Be sure to keep electronic copies and print-outs in case things escalate. Keep records of ISP and law enforcement contacts. Do not...
"I allowed myself to be bullied because I was scared and didn't know how to defend myself. I was bullied until I prevented a new student from being bullied. By standing up for him, I learned to stand up for myself." - Jackie C...
Teach your children:
1. Bullying is not OK. Bullying is not genetic, in other words you are not born with it in your DNA. Bullying is not relative to race, culture, or gender, and is a behavior usually taught by someone you love or...
A anti-bullying PSA brought to you by the COM 381 students at the University of Rhode Island. Stand up to bullying because bullies leave us empty. Think BLUE, we do! Follow us on twitter @URI_goes_BLUE...
This song was inspired by Amanda Todd and it is for all of the victims of bullying. It is at first sung from the victims view and how they feel and then near the close of the song it asks the bully how they feel now that they have completely...
Bullying effects so many families, and for many parents this can mean a frustrating and painful time to help their child get through this. Below is just a quick list of things you can do to help your child, remember that what works with one child...
"You will spend your lives trying to figure out how to keep others down because it makes you feel more important. There is a big world out there bigger than prom, bigger than high school. It won't matter if you were the prom queen or the quarterback...