Added Saturday, November 09, 2013, Under: bullying , Tips
This checklist provides suggestions for what kids can do when bullying occurs – written for students being bullied, students who witness bullying and the bullies themselves.
If you are being bullied...
Reach Out
Tell an adult. Sometimes...
1) “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” – Chris Colfer
2) “Life is a fight, but not everyone’s a fighter. Otherwise,...
As part of our continuing series "Assignment America," Steve Hartman takes a look at bullying in America, and speaks to a victim of bullying - and the bullier, who has had a change of heart.
This short film is about this kid, John, who gets bullied at school everyday. The video shows just an average day. This is for my MYP Personal Project.