Thursday, September 29, 2011

Taking action against bullying

There are many different things you might be able to do if you are being bullied. As long as you don’t feel unsafe or physically threatened, you might try first to work it out yourself. Here are some tips that may be helpful, especially for verbal bullying.

* Ignore the person who is bullying you (including contact with him/her via mobile phone or email) – bullies are looking for a reaction and often lose interest if they don’t get one.
* Stay with others – stick to areas where you feel safe and hang out with people you trust. The person who is bullying you won’t pick on you as much when there are other people around.
* Stay positive and be confident – think of all the things you do well and try not to let the bullying affect your confidence.
* Keep out of the bully’s way – it might be possible for you to avoid the person who is bullying you, for example by travelling a different way to school, or avoiding the places that he/she hangs out.
* Don’t reply to bullying messages – it’ll only get worse if you do. By replying, the bully gets what he or she wants. Often if you don’t reply, the person will leave you alone.
* Ask for help – if the bullying doesn’t stop, you might find it helpful to ask someone else for advice. You should also report it to someone in charge – either at school or at work.

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