Saturday, October 10, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Sunday, October 4, 2015
10 Things Bullies Don’t Want You to Know
Added Sunday, October 04, 2015,
- It’s not easy being a bully. It’s true! Imagine having to maintain your status as a bully. It means you have to continue bullying, and that can be exhausting.
- They’re desperately unhappy. Anyone who is truly happy would never have the desire to hurt others. Only unhappy people take out their frustrations on other people. Only unhappy people are mean. They’re miserable, so they want others to feel the same way.
- They’re insecure. Contrary to the popular notion that bullies have a superior attitude, deeper than that are feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. Bullies pick on others because it takes the focus off of themselves and what they believe are their weaknesses.
- They’re envious of their victims. There’s something a victim has that a bully wants! Maybe the victim is prettier in the bully’s eyes, or smarter, or maybe the bully’s crush likes the victim. Or maybe the victim is confident or secure in her own skin—something the bully wishes she could be—and so the bully is jealous of that and wants to destroy that confidence. The bully doesn’t have it, so why should you?
- They’re trying to impress the cool kids. Or they want to be cool! When bullies bully, others laugh or follow along. And bullying can lead to popularity. It has to do with hierarchy, and ultimately goes back to #3: insecurity.
- They’re not strong. Think about it: Most bullies surround themselves with others. Strength is in numbers. If those people desert the bully, she loses her strength. She actually needs them.
- They want attention. Maybe they’re not getting attention at home. Maybe a parent is neglecting them. Maybe they can’t make friends the regular way. So a bully resorts to picking on others to get attention.
- They don’t want to be bullied. Bullies do not want to be bullied. Often, they become the bully so that they won’t be bullied. The big fear of a bully is meeting her match. What if the person she picks on fights back or makes her look bad? This is why she often has an entourage—for support.
- They are being bullied. Many bullies are actually being bullied somewhere else in their world. It could be their parents, siblings or other people they interact with on a regular basis.
- They’re afraid. Bullies are afraid of a lot of things. They’re afraid of being deserted by their peers. They’re afraid that people will learn that they’re not as strong as they act. They’re afraid that you’ll find out all of the above!
By The Bully Blog with 5 comments
The True Fight...
Added Sunday, October 04, 2015,
Fighting doesn’t have to be with your fist or mouth; the strongest battle is one where you use your mind- any idiot can use his hands, but what matters in the end is what you do with your head.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Nothing's Forever
Added Sunday, October 04, 2015,
Nothing’s forever…everything you experience, every hardship and ordeal is a part of a master-plan intended to teach you something, or lead you somewhere. As hard as today maybe it will end, and there will be a tomorrow to look forward to. You just need the foresight and faith to see it.
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Don't Lose Faith
Added Sunday, October 04, 2015,
Don’t lose faith. Promise yourself that you will be a success story, and I promise you that all the forces of the universe will unite to come to your aid; you might not feel today or for a while, but the longer you wait the bigger the prize.
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Bully Prevention Month: Quote
Added Sunday, October 04, 2015, Under: Ant-Bully Quote
The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact, it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Bully prevention month: Quote
Added Sunday, October 04, 2015, Under: Ant-Bully Quote
When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper; They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Quote of the day...
Added Saturday, March 14, 2015,
Your skin is not paper, don't cut it.
Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it.
Your size isn't a book, don't judge it.
Your life is not a film, don't end it.
Your story is an inspiration, be proud of it.
By The Bully Blog with 3 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Quote of the day...
Added Tuesday, March 10, 2015,
I can’t promise you that you’ll ever live in a world where people don’t hurt your feelings. But I can promise you that if you keep on moving and taking one day at a time, the opinions and words of people who hurt you will matter less and less to you.
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Here's to the Girls...
Added Wednesday, March 04, 2015,
Here's to the girls that don't wake up with perfect hair. Who don't mind eating a big mac instead of a salad. Who don't wear 50 pounds of make up. Who'd rather spend the day in sweat pants than jeans. Who love the comfort of t shirts. Who don't get all the guys. Who aren't 'popular' but feel like it with their friends. Who stick to sneakers instead of heels. Who aren't afraid to break a nail. Who don't always get what they want. Who don't need a guy to tell them their beautiful. Here's to the girls that are just like me.
By The Bully Blog with 4 comments
Don't let them stop you...
Added Wednesday, March 04, 2015,
Don't let anyone's ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the best person you can be. People who hate you are just your confused admirers. They can't figure out the reason why everyone loves you. There are many in this world that are ignorant, and from this ignorance are full of hate, drama and negativity. Never let someone rain on your parade just because things in their lives aren't as they want them to be. Instead use the light inside of you, the positive force that is moving forward, to help brighten someones dark world.
By The Bully Blog with 2 comments
Never be bullied into silence.
Added Wednesday, March 04, 2015, Under: Bullying Quote
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” (Robert Frost)
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Monday, February 23, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
8 Ways to Change How Your Child Views Bullying
Added Saturday, February 14, 2015,
Optimistic kids have the ability to adapt to, handle and overcome difficult situations. Although many kids that are able to think positive, or look on the bright side, may have some biological inclination towardpositive thinking, researchers have found that optimism also can be learned. Here are some ways to increase your child’s ability to think positive, especially when faced with bullying.
Watch for and correct negative thinking. For instance, if your child magnifies the negative aspects of a situation and filters out anything that is positive, then address this issue by helping your child find the silver lining even in the most difficult situations. Also, correct any self-blaming behaviors. Bullying is always a choice made by the bully. Your child is not to blame for the choices of another person nor is there something wrong with him.
Incorporate humor into your child’s life. Bullying is tough and going through it is not funny. But this does not mean that every minute of the day has to be painful. Be sure your child finds ways to smile or laugh, especially within a supportive group of friends. You also can schedule a favorite event or activity that always brings a smile.Help your child identify goals. In order for your child to learn how to think positive, he must be able to take the focus off the pain of the bullyingand address how he is going to move beyond the situation. For instance, help your child brainstorm on how to address the situation. Should he ignore the bully or respond in some way? The idea is that your child will stop thinking about how bad he feels and focus on what he can do to stand up to the bullying.
Teach your child to recognize negative thinking. Encourage him to periodically stop throughout the day and examine what he is thinking. The goal is that he would learn how to recognize when his thoughts are heading down a negative or destructive path. Teach him how to take that thought captive and think about something positive instead. It may help to give him some positive statements he can say like “I am a good person,” “I am smart and capable,” or “I can do this.”
Surround your child with positive friends. Be sure your child is spending time with friends who are positive in their outlook on life. Positive, supportive friends will be more likely to your child helpful advice and feedback. Meanwhile, friends who tend to be negative may increase your child’s stress level. It also can cause your child to doubt their ability tocope with the bullying.
Teach your child the value of positive self-talk. Begin by encouraging your child to be gentle and encouraging when thinking about his situation. And when a negative thought enters his mind, he should learn evaluate it rationally and respond with something positive instead. For kids that really struggle with positive self-talk, it may help for them to read encouraging quotes, post them in their room and record them in a journal. Repeating these affirmations will help your child develop a habit of positive and uplifting thinking.
Encourage him to view the world differently. When bullying occurs, it can be very easy for kids to assume the world is a bad place, filled with evil people. Find ways for your child to see that not everyone is mean or hurtful. If you help him to view the world in less judgmental ways, this will help him become more positive. And he may even become less critical about the world around him.
Be patient. If your child tends to have a negative outlook on life, even before the bullying began, do not expect him to become an optimist overnight. With practice, eventually his thinking will contain less self-criticism and more self-acceptance.
Keep in mind that even if your child learns how to think positive, doesn’t mean that he won’t experience difficulty or distress. Emotional pain and sadness are common when kids have been bullied. It’s how they deal with that emotional pain that matters. And when kids are optimistic, they will be able to defend themselves against bullying much more effectively than those who think negatively about it.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Friday, February 13, 2015
Tips for parents dealing with a bullying child
Added Friday, February 13, 2015,
- Learn about your child's life. If your behavior at home isn't negatively influencing your child, it's possible his or her friends or peers are encouraging the bullying behavior. Your child may be struggling to fit in or develop relationships with other kids. Talk to your child. The more understand about his or her life, the easier you'll be able to identify the source of the problem.
- Educate your child about bullying. Your child may have difficulty reading social signs or may not understand how hurtful and damaging their behavior can be. Foster empathy and awareness by encouraging your child to look at their actions from the victim’s perspective. Remind your child that bullying can have legal consequences.
- Manage stress. Teach your child positive ways to manage stress. Your child’s bullying may be an attempt at relieving stress. Or your own stress, anxiety, or worry may be creating an unstable home environment. Exercise, spending time in nature, or playing with a pet are great ways for both kids and adults to let off steam and relieve stress.
- Set limits with technology. Let your child know you’ll be monitoring his or her use of computers, email, and text messaging. Limit the amount of time they spend playing video games and watching TV. Numerous studies reveal that many popular TV shows and violent video games celebrate negative values, reduce empathy, and encourage aggression in kids.
- Establish consistent rules of behavior. Make sure your child understands your rules and the punishment for breaking them. Children may not think they need discipline, but a lack of boundaries sends a signal that the child is unworthy of the parents’ time, care, and attention.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Warning signs your child may be a bully
Added Thursday, February 12, 2015,
Your child:
- Frequently becomes violent with others
- Gets into physical or verbal fights with others
- Gets sent to the principal’s office or detention a lot
- Has extra money or new belongings that cannot be explained
- Is quick to blame others
- Will not accept responsibility for his or her actions
- Has friends who bully others
- Needs to win or be best at everything
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
If you are being bullied, remember:
Added Wednesday, February 11, 2015,
- Don’t blame yourself. It is not your fault. No matter what someone says or does, you should not be ashamed of who you are or what you feel.
- Be proud of who you are. Despite what a bully says, there are many wonderful things about you. Keep those in mind instead of the messages you hear from bullies.
- Get help. Talk to a parent, teacher, counselor, or other trusted adult. Seeing a counselor does not mean there is something wrong with you.
- Learn to deal with stress. Finding ways to relieve stress can make you more resilient so you won’t feel overwhelmed by bullying. Exercise, meditation, positive self-talk, muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises are all good ways to manage the stress from bullying.
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
10 Ways to Prevent School Bullying
Added Tuesday, February 10, 2015,
Bullying at school can affect your
child in a number of ways. Not only does it have a negative impact on
the social environment, but it also creates an atmosphere of fear among
Bullying also impacts learning regardless of whether your child is a target of bullying or just a witness. So, the need to address bullying is significant. But schools cannot address the issue alone. Preventing bullying requires your involvement too. Here are the top 10 things parents can do to prevent bullying at school.
Bullying also impacts learning regardless of whether your child is a target of bullying or just a witness. So, the need to address bullying is significant. But schools cannot address the issue alone. Preventing bullying requires your involvement too. Here are the top 10 things parents can do to prevent bullying at school.
1. Begin at home.
Talk with your child about what constitutes healthy friendships and what does not. Although research suggests that parents are often the last to know when their child is being bullied or has bullied someone else, you can break that trend by talking with your kids every day about their social lives. Ask open-ended questions about who they had lunch with, what they did at recess and what happened on the bus or on the walk home from school.2. Learn the warning signs.
Many children don't tell anyone when they have been bullied. As a result, you have to be able to recognize the possible signs that your child is being bullied. For instance, complaining about stomachaches, avoiding school activities and dropping grades are red flags that something is going on. Additionally, kids who are bullied may experience changes in mood, personality, eating habits and hygiene.3. Instill healthy habits.
It’s very important to instill an anti-bullying mindset. But this includes more than just teaching your child not to hit, shove or tease other kids. Kids should learn that being critical, judgmental, making hurtful jokes and spreading rumors are also unhealthy and constitute bullying. It's also never too early to teach your kids about responsible online behavior. Cyberbullying is a big issue among kids today.4. Empower your kids.
Give your kids tools for dealing with bullying like walking away, telling an adult or telling the bully in a firm voice to stop. You also should teach your kids how to report bullying when they witness it. Research shows that most kids feel powerless to help when they see another person being bullied. Equip them with ideas on how to handle these difficult situations.5. Become familiar with your school's policies.
It's important to have a firm grasp on how bullying is handled at your child's school. Not only will you know which person to call if something happens, but you also will have clear expectations of how the situation may be handled.6. Report bullying incidents.
Contact school personnel and ask to meet with them in person if your child is bullied. By holding a face-to-face meeting, you are demonstrating that you’re committed to seeing this issue resolved. You may also want to document all bullying incidents in case the situation escalates and law enforcement or other outside sources need to be contacted.7. Be an advocate.
While it's important to voice your support for bullying prevention, it's also important to offer your time. Volunteer to work with your child's teachers or your school's guidance counselor to develop an anti-bullying program. If your school already has a program in place, offer to help when events and fundraisers are held.8. Recruit other parents.
When a lot of parents are committed to bullying prevention, a school's program will be more successful. Form a group of motivated parents to help you tackle the issue. Meet regularly to brainstorm ideas. Then, share your ideas with the appropriate school officials and offer to help implement the ideas.9. Spend time at school.
Accept opportunities to volunteer at school functions and during
the day if your schedule permits. With shrinking budgets, schools have
been forced to downsize. As a result, your kids may be getting less
supervision on the playgrounds and during lunch. Sometimes simply having
an additional adult around is enough to deter bullying.
10. Ask the PTA/PTO to sponsor a bullying prevention program.
If your school has limited funds for bullying programs, approach your school's PTA/PTO and ask for their assistance. Or, suggest a fundraiser to build awareness. Remember, bullying is not a normal part of childhood. Bullying affects everyone. But as a parent, you have the power to do something about it.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Monday, February 9, 2015
55 Interesting Facts About Bullying
Added Monday, February 09, 2015,
- Research shows that half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years. More than 10% are bullied regularly.d
- More parents are allowing their young children to undergo plastic surgery to combat bullying. For example, Samantha Shaw, a 1st grader, underwent surgery to get her ears pinned back to prevent her from being bullied.m
- The word “bully” was first used in 1530 and originally applied to both genders and meant “sweetheart.” It is from the Dutch boel, meaning “lover” or “brother.” Around the seventeenth century, the term began to mean “fine fellow,” “blusterer,” and then “harasser of the weak.”c
- Over 30% of children who suffer a food allergy report having been bullied at school. While verbal abuse was the most common form of bullying, 40% reported having been physically threatened, such as having the allergen thrown or waved at them or being touched by the allergen. Food allergies affect an estimated three million children.i
- Girls bully in groups more than boys do.l
- Though girls tend to use more indirect, emotional forms of bullying, research indicates that girls are becoming more physical than they have in the past.l
- Boys tend to bully according to group, such as “athlete” versus “non-athlete.” Girls tend to bully according to social status, such as “popular” vs. “non-popular.”q
- When boys bully, they tend to use more threats and physical intimidation on both boys and girls. Girls are usually more verbal and tend to target other girls.d
- Bullying happens not just in the United States but also all over the world. International researchers have demonstrated that bullying in schools is universal.a
- Several factors increase the risk of a child being bullied, including parental over-control, illness or disability, passivity, social phobia, agoraphobia, and higher levels and expression of general anxiety.k
- Many adults who were bullying victims report that over time, feelings of unhappiness and shame decreased. However, those who remembered bullying as intensely painful continued to show low self-esteem, depression, pathological perfection, and greater neuroticism.n
- Researchers have found that bullying roles (those who bully and their victims) remain fairly stable throughout school. For example, even after switching to a new classroom, victims of bullying continued to be victims. However, by the age of 23, the roles become less stable and victims of bullies are not as harassed or socially isolated.n
- Research by Fight Crime/Invest in Kids reports that 60% of boys who bullied from first grade through ninth grade were convicted of at least one crime by age 24 and 40% had three or more convictions by age 24.q
- The average bullying episode lasts only 37 seconds. Teachers notice or intervene in only one in 25 incidents.o
- “Bully-victims” are students who can be both a bully and a victim. They often have been victimized and then begin inflicting the same behavior on others. Those who are both bully and victim are at a higher risk than either bullies or victims for depression, high-conflict relationships, substance abuse, hyperactive behavior, and school truancy.o
- Children who have a learning disability or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder are more likely than other children to be bullied. They also are slightly more likely than others to bully.e
- Researchers note that if a victim fights a bully and the bully wins, this loss will only make matters worse for the victim. Consequently, researchers argue that fighting back should not be encouraged. Instead, the child should be encouraged to walk away and tell an adult if he feels someone is about to hurt him.o
- Those who felt bullied in 6th grade were more likely to report feelings of loneliness six years later. Those who bullied in 6th grade felt more overtly aggressive in 12th grade.n
- Children with medical conditions that affect their appearance, such as spinal bifida and cerebral palsy, are more likely to be bullied.e
- Children who are obese are more likely to be bullied. Additionally, overweight and obese girls are more likely to be physically bullied.g
- Diabetic children who are dependent on insulin may be more prone to peer bullying.e
- Over 83% of adults who stuttered as children said they had been teased or bullied. Approximately 71% said that bullying happened at least once a week.e
- According to disability, harassment, civil, and criminal laws, bullying can easily become a crime.l
- If a school district does not take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop a child from being bullied, the district may be violating federal, state, and local laws. For more information, parents can contact the U.S. Department of Education Office or the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs.l
- Teens who are gay are often subjected to such intense bullying that they do not receive an adequate education. They’re often embarrassed or ashamed to report the abuse.f
- Gay teens are three times more likely than heterosexual teens to report having been bullied. In contrast, gay teens were about 80% less likely than heterosexuals to say they had bullied someone else.f
- Megan Meier hanged herself three weeks before her 14th birthday in 2006 after receiving cruel messages on MySpace. A mother of one of her friends had created a false MySpace account to send Megan harassing emails. The bullying mother was indicted on the incident but was acquitted.o
- Bullies are more likely to engage in vandalism, shoplifting, truancy, and substance abuse than students who do not bully during early childhood. There is also a direct correlation between substance abuse and gun violence and bullying behavior.o
- Overly aggressive and overly permissive parents are equally likely to have children who bully.o
- Research clearly indicates that children as young as age 5 who continually observe bullying that goes unchecked or ignored by adults are at greater risk of becoming bullies themselves.o
- Boys are least likely to report bullying.l
- There is a connection between bullying and being exposed to violence. Unfortunately, by the time an average child enters kindergarten, he will have witnessed 8,000 murders on television.o
- Cyberbullying that is sexual can result in the bully being registered as a sex offender.o
- Some cyberbullies think that if they use a fake name, they won’t get caught. But there are many ways to track such bullies. Additionally, the things that bullies post online can affect college applications and getting a job in the future.o
- The number of adolescents who experience cyberbullying varies from 10%-40% or more, depending on the age of the group and how cyberbullying is technically defined.o
- Cyberbullying can be very different from bullying. First, victims often do not know who is bullying them or why, because the cyberbullies can hide their identity with anonymous emails or screen names. Second, cyberbullying can go viral, which means a larger number of people are aware of the bullying via the Internet. Third, it is easier to be cruel using technology because the bullies do not have to see the immediate response of their victims. Finally, many parents and teachers are not technologically savvy enough to be aware of what is going on online.j
- Only 1 in 10 victims of cyberbullying tell a parent. Fewer than 1 in 5 cyberbullying incidents are reported to the police.o
- There are typically three types of bullying: social (excluding victims from activities, rumors), verbal (threatening, taunting, teasing, hate speech), and physical (kicking, hitting, punching, choking).o
- Bullying can occur anywhere there is a perceived or real imbalance of power, ranging from in the home to an international level.l
- The two students involved in the 1999 Columbine massacre were described as gifted students who had been bullied for years. During the school shooting, the boys killed 13 people, injured 24, and then killed themselves.o
- Jingoism, or extreme patriotism, often leads to international bullying.o
- Researchers note that bullying escalates in the later years of elementary school, peaks in middle school, and then dissipates by high school. They also note that 6th grade is the worst year for bullying.l
- Academically gifted students, especially those with high verbal aptitude, are often bullied and are more likely than less gifted students to suffer emotionally.b
- In 2007, the five worst states for bullying in kindergarten through 12th grade were (1) California, (2) New York, (3) Illinois, (4) Pennsylvania, and (5) Washington.h
- Every day, 160,000 students skip school because they are afraid they will be bullied.h
- Thirty percent of students who say they have been bullied said they sometimes had brought weapons to school.l
- While teachers say they intervened 71% of the time in bullying incidents, students report that teachers intervened only 25% of the time.o
- Of the 37 school shootings reviewed by the U.S. Secret Service, bullying was involved in 2/3 of the cases.o
- Students see an estimated four out of every five bullying occurrences at school and join in about 3/4 of the time.l
- It is a myth that bullying will most likely go away when it is ignored. Ignoring bullies reinforces to them that they can bully without consequence.o
- It is likely that if someone was bullied in school, they will also be bullied in the workforce.n
- Celebrities who report being bullied in high school include Lady Gaga (who was thrown in a garbage can), Rosario Dawson (for being flat chested), Fred Durst (known as an underdog), Kate Winslet (for being chubby), and Michael Phelps (for his gangly form and big ears).p
- A 2007 poll found that 1/3 of workers, or 54 million Americans, reported workplace bullying.o
- An estimated 40%-75% of bullying in schools takes place during breaks, such as during recess, at lunchtime, in the hallways, or in the restrooms.o
- According to a 2004 survey of 4th through 8th grade students, 53% of children reported that they used the Internet to say something negative about another child.o
-- Posted June 29, 2011
a Bingham, Jane. 2010. Taking Action against Bullying. New York, NY: Rosen Publishing.
b Boodman, Sandra G. “Gifted and Tormented: Academic Stars Often Bullied—and More Likely to Suffer Emotionally as a Result.” The Washington Post. May 16, 2006. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
c “Bully.” Online Etymology Dictionary.” 2001-2010. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
d “Bullying.” American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. March 2011. Accessed: May 20, 2011.
e “Bullying among Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Needs.” Stop Bullying Now! Accessed: May 21, 2011.
f “Bullying and Gay Youth.” Mental Health America. 2011. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
g “Bullying and Weight.” Medline Plus. April 19, 2011. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
h “Bullying Statistics / Cyber Bullying Statistics / School Bullying Statistics.” How to Stop Bullying. 2009. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
i “Children with Food Allergies Targeted by Bullies.” American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. September 28, 2010. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
j “Cyberbullying and the Law.” Media Awareness Network.” 2010. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
k Gladstone, G.L., G.B. Parker, and G.S. Malhi. “Do Bullied Children Become Anxious and Depressed Adults?” The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. March 2006. PubMed. Gov. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
l Hamilton, Jill. Ed. 2008. Bullying and Hazing. New York, NY: Greenhaven Press.
m Kane, Kristin. “Childhood Plastic Surgery to Combat Bullying: A Disturbing Trend, Doctors Say.” FoxNews Latino. May 18, 2011. Accessed: May 20, 2011.
n McDougall, Patricia. “What Happens over Time to Those Who Bully and Those Who Are Victimized?” 2006-2011. Accessed: May 21, 2011.
o Rosenthal, Beth. 2008. Bullying. New York, NY: Greenhaven Press.
p “Stars Who Were Bullied.” US Magazine. Accessed: May 25, 2011.
q “We Must All Prevent Bullying.” School Bullying Council. March 29, 2011. Accessed: May 20, 2011.
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Sunday, February 8, 2015
11 Facts About Bullying
Added Sunday, February 08, 2015,
- Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.
- Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.
- 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Take a stand in your community by hosting a Bullying Policy Makeover event customizing your school’s anti-bullying policy.
- 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time.
- By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying.
- Over 67% of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying, with a high percentage of students believing that adult help is infrequent and ineffective.
- 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.
- 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying.
- 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying.
- As boys age they are less and less likely to feel sympathy for victims of bullying. In fact they are more likely to add to the problem than solve it.
- Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school and declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant.
By The Bully Blog with 1 comment
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Added Monday, February 02, 2015,
We don’t think about it until someone we know and care about is affected.
Bullying is nothing new. I experienced my share in school. Each of our sons had theirs in junior high and high school.
I was astounded to discover that, if you are a boy starting 7th grade, you better wear boxer shorts or the “sports jocks” will taunt you in the dressing room before physical education class. Even though my son talked to the teacher, it didn’t stop. So, we outfitted my son with boxer shorts. It didn’t stop the bullying entirely, but we did remove an extremely uncomfortable situation for my son.
It’s no surprise that bullying has gone online. Social media tools connect teens with their friends at all hours of the day and night. And it is so easy to set up a page/account.
Harmless Prank or Something More?
When he was a freshman in high school, some girls decided to set up a page on MySpace for my older son. My son wasn’t interested in having a page but when he told them he didn’t want one, the girls took matters into their own hands. Fortunately, my son was able to get the password for the page from those girls. He changed the password and the girls moved on to some other amusement.
But, that event worried me. It was too easy for those girls to become someone else online. So when my oldest signed up for Facebook, I did, too. To avoid freaking out his friends, I didn’t comment on his page in public. But I was able to see what was going on. I did the same for our younger son a few years later. Unfortunately, not enough parents are aware that they need be continually communicating with their teens about what’s happening on social media. It’s not just Facebook anymore
The statistics are shocking:
- One million children were harassed, threatened or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on Facebook during the past year. (Consumer Reports, 2011)
- 1 in 6 parents know their child has been bullied via a social networking site. (American Osteopathic Association, 2011)
- More girls are cyberbullies than boys (59% girls and 41% boys) (Teen Online & Wireless Safety Survey: Cyber bullying, Sexting and Parental Controls. Cox Communications Teen Online and Wireless Safety Survey in Partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2009.)
- More cyberbullying statistics are available at Internet Safety 101
So, What Can A Parent Or Grandparent Do?
Start by talking with your teen. You can use the Safety Tips that are available on this page atInternet Safety 101. You can also download a two page tip sheet to share with your son or daughter.
Or, use this Safebook poster from Fuzion Marketing-PR-Design (PDF available for download). Have your son or daughter share it with friends.
Let’s teach our teens the importance of maintaining privacy, know who they are “friending” online and to speak out if they are being cyberbullied or someone they know is. Let’s let each teen know how much we care and want to help.
By The Bully Blog with No comments
Monday, January 26, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Thursday, January 22, 2015
29 Books to End Bullying
Added Thursday, January 22, 2015,
Books for Parents and Educators:
Bullied by Carrie Goldman

Highlight: Perspective of sub-groups that are often the targets of bullying. If you are not familiar with issues surrounding gender identity and how other stereotypes play a part in bullying, you should definitely read this book.
Little Girls Can Be So Mean
by Michelle Anthony & Renya Lindert

Highlight: Provides insight into how self-esteem and coping skills can help both victims and bullies.
Queen Bees & Wanna Bees
by Rosalind Wiseman

Highlights: Comprehensive look at the social pressures that can influence bullying and straightforward advice parents can give their children.
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander
by Barbara Coloroso

Highlight: Bystanders possess the power to end bullying.This book focuses on how to involve bystanders to break the bullying cycle.
Words Will Never Hurt Me
by Sally Ogden

Highlight: Practical advice for parents and adults to help kids handling bullying.
Bullying Prevention Books for Educators, Social Workers, Counselors:
Understanding Girl Bullying and What to Do About It
by Julaine Field, Jered Kolbert, Laura Crothers, & Tammy Hughes

The I Hate Wendy Club
by Debra Wosnik

Highlights: Great resource for classroom lessons and small groups. Helps build empathy and inclusion.
I Didn’t Know I was a Bully
by Melissa Richards

Highlights: Great resource for relational bullying and “friendship triangles”. This is another great one for classroom lessons or small groups!
Anyone who has seen my post about 10 Great Books to Help an Angry Child knows that I have had a lot of success with child-led inquiry. Basically, this is when a child is able to discover the answers to their problems. The books featured below do just that.
I was surprised how many of my students checked out the following books out on my lending library shelf in my self-contained emotional impairment classroom. A few of my students said they were only looking at them because they wanted to see “how stupid they were”. Regardless of their claims, these students read the books from cover to cover. They also did a great job when answering the prompts from when they made their own bullying dice. Guess I need to find more “stupid books”!
Stand Up for Yourself
by American Girl

A Smart Girl’s Guide to Friendship Troubles
by American Girl

A Smart Kid’s Guide to Online Bullying
by David Jakubiak

Bullying in Schools: What you need to know.
by Paul Langan

How to Deal with Insults
by Julie Fielder

How to Handle Bullies, Teasers, and Other Meanies
by Kate Cohen-Posey

Bullies Are a Pain in the Brain
by Trevor Romain

Stick Up for Yourself
by Gershen Kaufman, Lev Raphael, & Pamela Espeland

Picture Books:
Band-aid Chicken
by Becky-Henton
I look forward to this one every year! Check out some of my suggestions for using this in the classroom here.

Trouble Talk
By Trudy Ludwig
(Great for friendship triangles!)

Just Kidding
By Trudy Ludwig

My Secret Bully
By Trudy Ludwig

by Trudy Ludwig

Alley Oops
by Janice Levy

Simon’s Hook
by Karen Burnett

The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed
by Stan & Jan Berenstain

The Berenstain Bears and the Bully
by Stan & Jan Berenstain

The Bully Blockers Club
by Teresa Bateman

Juice Box Bully
by Bob Sornson & Maria Dismondy

Enemy Pie
by Derek Munson

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
by Carol McCloud

I hope you find these books as helpful as I have! I am always on the lookout for a good book to use. Any suggestions? What book(s) do you use?
Happy Reading!
Check out my free bullying poster and coloring pages at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.



Bullied by Carrie Goldman
Highlight: Perspective of sub-groups that are often the targets of bullying. If you are not familiar with issues surrounding gender identity and how other stereotypes play a part in bullying, you should definitely read this book.
Little Girls Can Be So Mean
by Michelle Anthony & Renya Lindert
Highlight: Provides insight into how self-esteem and coping skills can help both victims and bullies.
Queen Bees & Wanna Bees
by Rosalind Wiseman
Highlights: Comprehensive look at the social pressures that can influence bullying and straightforward advice parents can give their children.
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander
by Barbara Coloroso
Highlight: Bystanders possess the power to end bullying.This book focuses on how to involve bystanders to break the bullying cycle.
Words Will Never Hurt Me
by Sally Ogden
Highlight: Practical advice for parents and adults to help kids handling bullying.
Bullying Prevention Books for Educators, Social Workers, Counselors:
Understanding Girl Bullying and What to Do About It
by Julaine Field, Jered Kolbert, Laura Crothers, & Tammy Hughes
The I Hate Wendy Club
by Debra Wosnik
Highlights: Great resource for classroom lessons and small groups. Helps build empathy and inclusion.
I Didn’t Know I was a Bully
by Melissa Richards
Highlights: Great resource for relational bullying and “friendship triangles”. This is another great one for classroom lessons or small groups!
Anyone who has seen my post about 10 Great Books to Help an Angry Child knows that I have had a lot of success with child-led inquiry. Basically, this is when a child is able to discover the answers to their problems. The books featured below do just that.
I was surprised how many of my students checked out the following books out on my lending library shelf in my self-contained emotional impairment classroom. A few of my students said they were only looking at them because they wanted to see “how stupid they were”. Regardless of their claims, these students read the books from cover to cover. They also did a great job when answering the prompts from when they made their own bullying dice. Guess I need to find more “stupid books”!
Stand Up for Yourself
by American Girl
A Smart Girl’s Guide to Friendship Troubles
by American Girl
A Smart Kid’s Guide to Online Bullying
by David Jakubiak
Bullying in Schools: What you need to know.
by Paul Langan
How to Deal with Insults
by Julie Fielder
How to Handle Bullies, Teasers, and Other Meanies
by Kate Cohen-Posey
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Bullies Are a Pain in the Brain
by Trevor Romain
Stick Up for Yourself
by Gershen Kaufman, Lev Raphael, & Pamela Espeland
Picture Books:
Band-aid Chicken
by Becky-Henton
I look forward to this one every year! Check out some of my suggestions for using this in the classroom here.
Trouble Talk
By Trudy Ludwig
(Great for friendship triangles!)
Just Kidding
By Trudy Ludwig
My Secret Bully
By Trudy Ludwig
by Trudy Ludwig
Alley Oops
by Janice Levy
Simon’s Hook
by Karen Burnett
The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed
by Stan & Jan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears and the Bully
by Stan & Jan Berenstain
The Bully Blockers Club
by Teresa Bateman
Juice Box Bully
by Bob Sornson & Maria Dismondy
Enemy Pie
by Derek Munson
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
by Carol McCloud
I hope you find these books as helpful as I have! I am always on the lookout for a good book to use. Any suggestions? What book(s) do you use?
Happy Reading!
Check out my free bullying poster and coloring pages at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Don’t forget to check out
my Bullying Prevention Activity Bundle if you’re looking for more fun
anti-bullying activities. You can purchase it at my Teachers Pay Teachers store for $3.50.
By The Bully Blog with 3 comments