Children who are experiencing
School Bullying or being victimized because of their race, appearance or disability need help from teachers, parents or carers to tackle the problem. We've found a collection of free printable anti-bullying worksheets, leaflets and games which parents and teachers can use to help kids deal with the distress that arises from being targeted by a bully or a gang of bullies.
Some resources use colorful cartoon style pictures and images to get the message across whilst others may introduce the idea of role play or group classroom discussions and activities. Either way, we hope that the following printable worksheets will help any child that is being regularly teased, targeted or injured.
From Educational Media Ltd, Let's Stop Bullying is a bright and informative site with the dedicated aim of raising public awareness about bullying and providing advice, guidance and resources for kids, parents and schools. There are printable games and puzzles include mazes, word searches, drawing pages and dot-to-dot, plus bullying advice leaflets to print out too. Questions like "Why do people bully?" are answered along with how bullying can affect you and what to do if you are being bullied.
| offer a simple but fun on-line game where kids must take charge to free their friends from the school bully. Choose the "I Want to Play" tab for the chance to design yourself and the opponent and then set off on a mission through the school. It's a great way for kids to feel in control and confident about their actions.
The registered charity Bullying UK (formerly Bullying On-Line) were established in 1999 and since then have replied to over 50,000 emails from worried or troubled children, teenagers and parents ... some of whom are feeling suicidal. In addition to advice they also provide an on-line resource to design a themed poster which is valuable for children to express themselves and their feelings whether or not they are the victim of bullying.
The website is a colorful and fun resource with a great collection of aids including free games, on-line coloring (printable) and cartoon video clips all based around a gang of friends that are determined to help put a stop to bullying. So what are you waiting for ... it's time to "Take a Stand. Lend a Hand!"
Kidscape offer a free anti-bullying pack incorporating leaflets and advice for young people and teenagers who are being picked on or targeted. Along with videos there are also helpful printable anti-bullying activity sheets for kids to read with boxes to draw in and colour in.
The SAIL (Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning) Program have a collection of free Adobe PDF and Word document handouts which provide a personal action plan, a printable bullying quiz to help kids make the right decisions, plus information and statements to help boost self esteem and confidence.
The Advisory Centre for Education have a 12 page printable booklet which is an invaluable guide for parents whose children may be being bullied. The Guide includes parents' legal rights, a model example letter to complain to a school, definitions of bullying and its effects, and it also guides parents and carers through the correct complaint procedure including keeping a log.
CBBC (the BBC's children's channel) have a dedicated section including an on-line multiple choice quiz, kids' guide and a video clip of an interactive show where viewers asked questions and shared their experiences. The BBC also provide an excellent dedicated parents' resource titled Understanding Bullying which is a valuable 'at a glance' for parents (and teachers) to identify incidents of bullying and help protect children against bullying at school or around the neighbourhood.
Education World have put together ten activities (in the form of school lesson plans) to help teach kids about tolerance and handling conflict at home and school.
A free 12 page Kids Against Bullying Coloring Book and many other resources are available over at PACER which is a fun way to help get across a serious message. Perfect for younger children the printable colouring pages (Adobe PDF) let children explore their feelings with crayons and colours all reinforced with important anti-bullying messages.
Ken Rigby is a leading authority on victimization and bullying who has produced numerous academic papers and publications on the subject. Ken's website shares his knowledge and research with parents, teachers and carers with subject areas including 'What is known about bullying in schools', 'How harmful is bullying?', 'How successful anti-bullying programs can be?' and what schools and parents can do. There is video content too.
Teachers TV offer a handful of PDF downloads for schools and parents with advice, tips, facts and action plans to help tackle bullies. Thanks also to Ace Researcher Kenzie for letting us know about two great resources. Firstly there's some advice on how to handle a bully; she has also discovered an excellent webpage written by the 'Anxiety Free Child Program' who help children to avoid the anxiety of being a victim. |
The post on printable worksheets is wonderful.This says the truth.
Thanks for all your information, Website is very nice and informative content.
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